The Three Mrs. Cal Stewarts, Part One: Pretty Kitty Clover

Cal Stewart’s celebrity as a phonograph performer has regrettably drawn attention away from another pioneer of audio theater who was identified to the public simply as “Mrs. Cal Stewart.”  There has long been confusion as to her identity, thanks in no small measure to the confusion that has prevailed over Cal’s own basic biographical details. …

A Phonographic Record of a Speech by Charles Dickens (1858)

On February 9, 1858, Charles Dickens gave an extemporaneous speech at the annual dinner of the Hospital for Sick Children held at the Freemason’s Tavern in London.  His exact words would have been lost to posterity, except for the fact that they happen to have been phonographically recorded—captured, that is, not in “ordinary” writing, but…

Adventures in Stable Diffusion #4: One Step at a Time

Changing Stable Diffusion prompts “midstream”—that is, partway through denoising—has become a reasonably standard technique.  But it’s possible to make other changes midstream as well, such as switching models or guidance scale settings, and those techniques don’t seem to have received nearly as much attention. When someone raised the issue of wanting to switch models midstream…